MINI Mock-Up

The Aletto Hotel in Berlin is making parts of its lobby available to partners for pop-up stores and events. In order to stage the brand’s appearance in a city center location, the car manufacturer MINI has rented an area of 100 square metres in the lobby for a mock-up in summer 2021. Visplay’s Multi-Lane ceiling system was used for the emotional presentation of the brand, which is associated with a lot of lifestyles.

To stage the presentation in an unusual location, flexibility and modularity were of central importance to MINI. With the possibility of having a wide variety of elements individually suspended from the ceiling, the Multi-Lane ceiling rail system is ideal for this.

Red illuminated shop window of a building with cars of vehicle manufacturer MINI displayed inside.

In the MINI Mock-Up, Multi-Lane also provides the power for the emotional staging of the vehicle presentation "Celebrate the MINI Moment".

Vehicle of the car manufacturer MINI veiled behind a transparent curtain.

In addition, it is an attachment for curtain rails for room partitioning, and allows easy alignment of merchandise supports and monitors to individual needs.

Room with a seating area and shelves equipped with merchandise items of the vehicle manufacturer MINI.
Eric Genzken