Künkelin pharmacy Schorndorf

The interior of the Künkelin pharmacy in Schorndorf was getting on in years, so it was completely overhauled. The use of Visplay’s Omnio and Invisible 6 systems ensured a transformation to a contemporary, uncluttered shopping and consulting experience that is geared towards customer needs.
Front view of the checkout area of a pharmacy.

In the checkout area, Invisible 6 sets the scene for small-item merchandise for visual selection. The assortment can be rearranged at any time, and the shelves for goods of different heights can be easily moved. The checkout area is generously designed to offer customers sufficient discretion. And thanks to the cooperation with pharmacy specialist BD Rowa, it is equipped with modern conveyor technology that quickly transports the desired products to the checkout.

In the entrance and shop window area, the Omnio structure system deliberately provides a view through - both from the outside to the inside and vice versa. Omnio can be extended in all directions and thus creates a great deal of flexibility.

A highlight wall was designed with Invisible 6 for the preselection rear wall. The 24V power rail integrated in the system is used for direct illumination. This not only prevents shadows on the goods, but also gives them the attention they deserve.

Detail view of a shelf equipped with beauty products.
Martin Hasemann
Apothekenbau Noller